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The Moon That Embraces The Sun

Lee Hwon: Do you... recognize me?

Tell me who I am.

Yeon Woo: This country's, Joseon's...

Lee Hwon: Crown Prince, Lee Hwon.

It's "The Moon That Embraces The Sun."

The king is the sun, and the queen is the moon.

This phoenix hairpin, symbolizes the white moon

embracing the red sun.

Therefore, I named it "The Moon That Embraces The Sun."

The real Crown Princess in my heart is only you, Yeon Woo.

So, quickly regain your health and return to my side.

I don’t care if everybody else becomes the prince’s people

— as long as you would become mine.

There is nothing more precious than one yang.

The rich possessing thousands in money, may not understand the importance of one yang. For the poor who have nothing, one knows all too well the importance of one yang.

To those poor people, Your majesty is as practical and precious as one yang.

I hope you will be fair and righteous to all the people. 

If you want to run away, if you wanted to… I could throw away my birthright, my name, and protect you.

Just one thing — could I not have just one thing?

I have something left to say to her! Yeon-woo-ya! Yeon-woo-ya! Let me go! I have something left to say to her! Yeon-woo-ya! Yeon-woo-ya!

Yeon Woo: I'm very happy to have been able to meet you.

Lee Hwon: You will be even happier in the future, so don't say things like that.

I can’t be the owner of those memories, can I?

No matter how much I resemble her, I can’t become her, can I?

I am bewitched. However, I cannot push her away.

Whose trace are you looking for in me?

Through me, who are you looking at?

Is it Yeon Woo? Is it her?

Is it because I look like her?

But I'm not her...

Now, Let go of the woman in your heart.

For a new relationship, empty that place in your heart.

Please do not try to smile to cover up your real feelings.

Deceiving yourself and living like that is an awful way of living, isn't it?

You told me to forget you.

You hoped that I forgot you, right?

I'm sorry.

I wanted to forget you, but I couldn't do it

It’s my fault. I wanted to protect her, but I couldn’t. There were so many things I wanted to say to her, but I couldn’t. That’s why I haven’t been able to let her go.

Can you tell that child something for me?

Tell her I really, really, liked her.

The higher rank you are, 

shouldn't you be more frugal?

Crown Prince, the royal throne is a very lonely place.
There are people everywhere who are our enemies.
This will someday be your fate when you sit on the throne.
If you really want to protect, you must not expose any weakness.
If you want to gain one thing, you must give up the other.
Only then you can achieve your goal.
You must lose one to gain one.
That is politics.

Before it’s too late, I wanted to say this.

Thank you. For saving me, thank you.

For taking me in, for raising me, for protecting me, thank you.

For the last eight years… for being my mother… thank you.

Can't I... be the one?

You’re silly for being jealous of yourself,

but to fall in love with the same woman twice,

I must not be normal myself.

Because I didn’t want to know. If I could, I wanted to pretend till the end. You, coming back from the dead—at times it made me so happy I couldn’t stand it. But then on the other side, I knew that the moment I acknowledged it, everything would float away like a mirage.

Once, I resented you for having everything. And so, I even desired your throne. But my friends and you, my brother, were too precious to me, to take that place from you. Be a strong ruler, and protect this nation’s people alongside her. I will watch over you from that place.

Today, the two can finally become one.

I am your woman, the mother of this nation, Heo Yeon-woo.

Will you send flower petals from the rooftop?

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