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My Secret Hotel

Instead of an extravagant dress, the bride wears a clean and down-to-earth one piece dress. In her hands, rather than a pre-made bouquet, she holds a few flowers she likes… We would drive along and stop by a small church we liked. Without any guests, without any music, just two hearts...

A friend of mine was married seven years ago. She loved him to death but … they split in less than a hundred days. She thought she had forgotten everything. She thought she had erased everything. So she’s … having a hard time right now.  Isn’t that stupid? 

Do you know what people regret most right before they die?

Love with regrets.

"I should've treated him better then."

"I should've hung onto him more then."

"I should've loved him more then."

Love alone isn't enough.

In order to realize you're in love, do you know how many minutes it takes? 

Three minutes. The time it takes for the ramen to cook was long enough.

Take a look at where your heart is. Don’t hesitate and go. Even if you make a wrong choice, even if it ends in pain, it doesn’t matter. The time that’s given to you don’t waste it hesitating like me. Spend it loving someone. The time that you have, it may not be as long as you think you do.

A person's heart can't be controlled the way you want to.

How can I forget you, like you forget me.

I’m happy. The fact that you’re standing here makes me happy. I’m happy you’re standing in front of me. I’m happy we’re here together.

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